April at the Latah Recovery Community Center

We had a little excitement last week at the legislature. THe Joint Finance Committee approved a plan to fund the states 9 Recovery Community Centers to do some rural outreach. Governor still needs to sign, before official. In our case, this funding will be used to outreach our recovery programs to either the Potlatch or Troy areas. If you’d like to know more, contact Darrell at latahrecoverycenter@gmail.com.

The latest writing prompt from Write for You: https://latahrecoverycenter.org/2019/04/01/write-for-you-one-thing-now-another/

Check out Recovery Radio! Thursdays at 1pm on KRFP, or get the podcast!!!

We are filling an AmeriCorps/VISTA position. Application is currently up.
Pertinent details: 12 month term, can be renewed up to 5 times. Vacation leave is 10 personal days and 10 sick per year. 40 hours per week. Living allowance of $1026/month. $12312/year gross. $6k student loan/very flexible education benefit per year served. End of service stipend of $1800. Also gives you advantage in federal hiring via noncompetitive eligibility for a year after service. Already receiving federal benefits? Get income disregard so you continue to receive them while serving.
We plan our VISTA to focus on outreach to rural and veteran populations; and marketing.
Starts May 13. Must enroll by April 22.

Here’s our April calendar.

April 2019 at the Latah Recovery Center

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