Write for You: Advertise an Obligation

by Nancy Casey

Before you sit down to write today, cast your mind into the future and think about the many responsibilities and obligations that await you. Don’t allow yourself to dwell on any particular one or calculate whether you have time for them all. Resist mental scheduling and rescheduling. Just take an imaginary boat ride over that ocean of responsibility that you have out there.

You have responsibilities to yourself. You do so many different things each day to keep yourself alive, healthy and amused in the world.

Obligations arise in every kind of relationship—in families and friendships, with co-workers, among members of study and support groups, and in traffic. Even in fleeting relationships with strangers, we have certain obligations.

Many of us feel responsible for certain plants, animals, or machines. Many feel responsibilities towards their ancestors or others who are no longer alive.

Of all these myriad responsibilities that you have, choose one. Big or small. It doesn’t matter. Something you dread or something you love. Any responsibility or obligation that you have.

For your writing today, you will make a page-sized poster like the ones you see on bulletin boards and utility poles that advertise a coming event. The event you will advertise is the exciting opportunity to meet the responsibility that you have chosen to write about.

To give you some ideas for getting started, here are some of the elements of such a poster:

  • Different sizes of type or lettering
  • An eye-catching title
  • A bulleted list of enticements
  • Unpleasant parts are made to sound wonderful
  • Short phrases
  • An inviting tone
  • Illustration
  • Color
  • Conveys interest and excitement
  • Grabs your interest from across the room.

Here is an example of what a person could do.

When you have finished the poster, read it over and check out how it looks from far away. Add anything else that you need on the page. Write the date on it as well.

You can share your poster by taking a picture of it and posting it as a comment below.

Writing classes start this Thursday at the LRC! Please come! 5:00-6:30pm.

Nancy Casey has lived in Latah County for many years. You can find more of her work here. She offers (free!) writing help to anyone in recovery. This can be for any kind of writing project—resumes, letters, stories, novels, homework, etc. To sign up for the classes she teaches at the Recovery Center or get more information about them, contact Nancy or the Latah Recovery Community


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