When You Don’t Like the Weather

by Nancy Casey

What do you do when you don’t like the weather? Write about that today.

Think about the types of weather that you don’t like—and why—as you set up your page to get started.

Draw a line at the top of the page where your title will go. Set aside some space for illustration if you like. You can always draw or doodle while you wait for ideas to come to mind.

Begin by describing a type of weather that you don’t like. You might want to record its worst qualities. Then focus on how you respond to it.

Are you a complainer? You could write down some of the phrases you most often use to decry what Nature has served up.

Do you have a practical response? Changing your shoes, hat, or coat, for instance, or using special gear that will keep you comfortable.

Will a pep talk help you out? Do you sometimes encourage yourself to chin up or tough it out? What can you tell yourself to help yourself not mind the weather so much?

Maybe your dislike of the weather will cause you to alter or postpone plans. What kinds of weather makes that happen? What types of plans can get upended?

Have you ever disliked the weather so much that you moved to a different place? Or considered it?

Fill a page with your observations about how you react when the weather displeases you.

Afterward, look back over your work. Make small corrections or changes if they are needed. Add illustration or decoration if you like.

Do your ideas form any kind of a pattern? Do they seem to be about a bigger idea that you hadn’t really planned on writing about? If they do, maybe you can use that insight to think up a title. If they don’t, make up some kind of a title anyway and write it at the top of the page.

Put your initials or a signature on the page, too. And write the date on it. Here is an example of what someone could write.

You can share your work by posting it as a comment below. You can type it in, or take a photo of it and upload the image.

Nancy Casey has lived in Latah County for many years. You can find more of her work here. If you would like some help or encouragement with any kind of writing project, contact Nancy or the Latah Recovery Center.

Raised by God: The Autobiography of Patricia Clayton is a new book that grew out of the Write For You program at LRC. It is the story of a person making herself new after years of addiction and trauma.

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